All you need to know about CBSE Curriculum

All you need to know about CBSE Curriculum

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If there is one sector in India that receives the maximum attention from the rural and urban masses alike, it is education. But the crucial question that troubles all parents alike, is whether they should admit their children in State Board schools or CBSE schools. Are there any essential differences between the State Board schools…

Why is art education essential for new-age learners?

Why is art education essential for new-age learners?

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Education has come a long way since the times when sole importance was given to the three Rs-Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. The world believes that kids today possess Multiple Intelligence. It believes in the adage, “Different strokes for different folks.’Thus, the study and practice of different kinds of Arts has been made compulsory by the…

Social media – a boon or a bane for students?

Social media – a boon or a bane for students?

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In the present COVID-19 times, nobody would call social media a bane. All of us experienced lockdown periods and the tension filled times when COVID was rampant. In fact, we are still doing our lessons through online classes, since not all schools have opened their doors for students. The topic, one would think, is redundant…

Reimagining Education through Technology

Reimagining Education through Technology

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Using Technology in School Education.COVID-19 has catapulted technology and digilatised learning right into our drawing rooms and our bedrooms! Technology in learning is here to stay, whether we like it or not. In fact, starting with the smart TV, washing machines, laptops to smart-phones, we are accustomed to all types of gadgets powered by technology….

Do Students Need Technology in the Classroom?

Do Students Need Technology in the Classroom?

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Like it or hate it, Technology is here to stay. The advent of Computers and the Net have changed our perceptions about our life, the world, entertainment etc. Thus, it makes sense to allow it into our classrooms and use it to enrich our teaching. Logically speaking, students have already been using smart-phones, Tablets etc….

Advantages of CBSE

Advantages of CBSE

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A major concern for parents venturing to enroll their children in school  is the choice of the state Board syllabus and the CBSE syllabus. They are often in a quandary over the selection of the school and the syllabus they should opt for. The choice of board makes a momentous difference in the nascent development…